Services/ Meditations

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Meditation to tranquillize the mind

mente intranquila

This meditation will tranguillize the mind within 3 minutes The hand position is called ...

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Meditation to prevent sinking into depression


This meditation is for sensitising yourself to predict and prepare for changes of the earth, such as earthquakes, climatic changes, tidal wave, or any kind of natural phenomenon....

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Meditation for insanity


This meditation gives immediate relief to any wavering spaced-out mind. When there is so much insanity around that medical and psychiatric help fail, this will not...

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Meditation for transformation

Esta meditación despeja la oscuridad de las nubes en nuestro corazón y nos ayuda a evitar el peligro inherente. Ajusta la percepción de nuestra proyección y evita acciones extrañas que resultan de una auto-imagen pobre.

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